Clock Makers: L
L. English & European Clock Makers
Ladd, Ladd. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1709.
Ladterse, J. George. Aichach. 1730.
Lagisse, Pierre. France. 1660. Maker of a round gold watch with enamelled portrait.
Laidlaw, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1770. In 1781 made Honorary Freeman of Clockmakers’ Company.
Laing, Stamfordham.1790.
Lainy, David. London. 1680-90.
Lake, Bryan. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1674.
Lallemant, –Blois. 1700.
La Oltramare. Geneva. About 1790. Maker of an enamel watch.
Lambe, Edmund. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1675.
Lambe, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1632.
Lamb & Webb. London. 1781.
Lampe, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1713-60. Henrietta Street.
Lample, J. London.1713-40.
Lancelot, Paris. About 1760. Bottle clock with bracket.
Landeck, Andrew. Nuremberg. 1638-63.
Landeck, J. C. Nuremberg. 1656.
Landre, Amsterdam.About 1725. Maker of a fine Dutch watch with copper case, enamelled by “Les Freres, Huand,” with gold dial finely chased.
Lang, Augsburg. 1723.
Lang, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1720.
Langcroft, Richard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1718.
Langford, Goring. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1652.
Langford, Thomas. London. 1781
Langthorne, Thomas. London. Clockmakcrs’ Company. 1776. Threadneedle Street.
Langley, Cornelius. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Langley, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1664.
La Pierre, J. Vienna 1800.
La Rue, Carlos. Madrid. 1795-1800.
Largay, London 1724.Mentioned in Wood’s “Curiosities” as being contemporary with Quare.
Laresche, Paris. 1820.
Lashbrook, Henry. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1715.
Latham, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1700.
Latour, Rene. London.Clockmakers’ Company. 1730.
Laughton, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1683.
Lawell, Paul. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1653.
Lawrence, . Bath. 1763.
Lawson, Charles. Edinburgh. 1822.
Lawson, John E. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1812. Bishopsgate Street Within.
Laxton, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1642.
Laxton, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1653.
Layton, Francis. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1726.
Layton, John. London .Clockmakers’ Company. 1653.
Layton, Thomas. London.Clockmakers’ Company. 1776-1820.
Lea, Thomas. 1786. London.Clockmakers’ Company.Warden 1779, 80, 81. Master1782.
Leach, Thomas. London.1788.
Leadbetter, Andrew. Congleton. 1770. Learned his trade of Andrew Clark of Edinburgh, 1764.
Leake, Faith. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1685.
Leake, George. London.Clockmakers’ Company. 1693.
Le Beaufre, Paris.1650.
Le Blow, R. London. 1760.
Le Bon, Alexander. Paris.1719-50.
Lech, Jacob. Prague. 1500.
Lechopie, —Paris. 1780. Maker of clocks.
Le Count, Daniel. London. 1685. A member of the Haberdashers’ Company, but by trade a clockmaker. Admitted a brother of Clock-makers’ Company, 1676.
Le Comte, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1687.
Lecount, Peter. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1811. City Road.
Lee, Cuthbert. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1676-95
Lee, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1719.
Lee, Samuel. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1694.
Leekey, Gabriel. London.1755 He was a member of the Skinners Company, but followed the trade of watchmaker.
Leekey, Gabriel. London. Admitted Clockmakers’ Company 1778. Son of Gabriel.
Leeming, Edward. London. 1787-96.
Lees, T. Bury. Late eighteenth century. Fine tall-case mahogany clocks. He was a prolific maker.
Le Fauchant. Paris. 1760. Maker of very fine clocks Louis XVI.
Lafaucher a Paris. Maker of a clock in case of oak, enriched with dragons in ormolu. This clock sold in London, February, 1906, for £1207 10s.
Le Feburg, Charles. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1687. A Frenchman settled in London.
Leffin, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1720.
Leger a Paris. Late eighteenth century. Maker of jewelled and enamelled watches.
Legg, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1724.
Le Grand, Francis. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1647.
Le Grand, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1641.
Legrand, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1664.
Le Grande, F. France. 1580.
Lehoin, James. London 1758.
Lehner, A. B. Augsburg. 1741-60.
Lehr ,S. Nuremberg. 1525-56.
Leigh, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1730.
Lelievre a Paris. 1780. Maker of very beautiful clocks, chased and with gilt ormolu.
Lello, James. London. 1656.
Lemandre, Nicholas. Blois. 1630.
Lenk, E. Augsburg. 1780.
Le Noir, Etienne. Paris. 1780 maker of a fine gold watch with enamel case, showing Cupid in a rose garden..also Maker of a gilt bronze cartel clock with convex dial,
Lenoir, Toussaint, a Paris. About 1760. Balloon-shaped clock with gilt bronze mountings. Robert Hoe collection, New York, 1911.
Le Noir a Rennes. 1710.
Lenorth, Jasper. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1641.
Lens, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1711.
Lepante, J. A. Paris. Born 1709, died 1789. A famous French clockmaker and inventor of the pin-wheel escapement.
Lepine Paris. 1720.
Lepine, Jean Antoine a Paris. Born 1720, died 1814. Watchmaker to Louis XV. He was a protege of Voltaire, who induced him to come and open a factory at Ferney, not far from Geneva. When things were going well, Voltaire writes to a friend: “At my place here better watches are made than in Geneva are produced, and the Sieur Lepine, the King’s watchmaker, has his establishment and workmen among us. We manufacture for Paris and for Bengal. Send me your orders and you shall be supplied you shall have very fine watches and very indifferent verses whenever you are pleased to send for them.”
Leplastrier, Isaac. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1829-40. Cheapside.
Le Puisne, Huand. Blois. 1635. Maker of superbly enamelled watch-cases.
Leroux, Alexander. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Leroux, John. London. 1785. Charing Cross. Honorary Freeman of Clockmakers’ Company. 1781.
Le Roy, Bonnet. Rheims. 1820.
Le Roy, Julien, a Paris. Born at Tours, France, August 8, 1686. Went to Paris 1699, received as Master-clock-maker 1713, died 1759.
Le Roy, Pierre. Born 1717, died 1785. Son of Julien Le Roy, and even more inventive than his father. Among other things he invented a compensation balance formed of tubes containing mercury.
Le Roy, Samson. Paris. 1725. Maker of Louis XV. clocks. One 7 ft. 9 in. high sold for £231, 1907.
Lester, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1699.
L’Estrange, David. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1699.
Lestourgeon, David. London.1698-1730. Admitted a brother to Clockmakers’ Company.
Lestourgeon, David, 2. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1721-51.
Levy, Jonas. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1820-31. The first Jew admitted to the Clockmakers’ Company.
Levy, Jonas. London. 1800-20.
Levyson, Montague. London. 1842.
Lewin, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1731.
Lewis, Ambrose. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1725.
Lewis, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1705-
Lewis & Moss. London. 1842.
Ley, William. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1711.
Libis, Andreas. Augsburg. 1764.
Libley, J. London. 1750.
Lichtenauer. Wurzburg. 1725.
Liddle, William. Edinburgh. 1819. Maker of tall clocks.
Light, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1648.
Lightfoot, Peter. England. 1340. Made a clock for Glastonbury Abbey. It was removed to Wells Cathedral at the Reformation, and unfortunately was “restored” in 1835. Only a portion of it remains intact.
Limoniere, Stephen. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1712.
Limpard, John. London. 1580. Maker of rock crystal watches set in silver.
Lindsay, G. 1740-76. “Sert to his Majesty.”
Lindsey, William. London. 1780.
Linfield, Edmund. Tunbridge. 1740.
Linhard, Thomas. London. 1638-58.
Linmacker, Samuel. London. 1630.
Lippius, Nicholas. Basic. 1598.
Litherland, Peter, & Co. Liverpool. 1794-1813. In 1794 he patented a “rack lever,” on which principle many watches were made.
Littlemore, Whitestone. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1698. Apprenticed to Tompion.
Littleton, William. Prescott. 1800.
Lloyd, Charles. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1691.
Lloyd, David. London. Clock-makers’ Company.1677.
Lloyd, James. London. Clock-makers’ Company.1700.
Lloyd, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company.1722.
Lloyd, John. London. 1796.
Lloyd, Joseph. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1673.
Lloyd, Richard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1681.
Lloyd, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1608.
Lloyd, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1670.
Lochard, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1655
Lock, James. Bath. 1780.
Locker, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1740-60.Clerk of Company.
Loderer, J. E. Augsburg.1750-76.
Loddington, Isaac. London.1733
Lodowick, Peter. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1689.
Lofter, J. Stadthoff. 1725-50.
Logg, M. Vienna. 1726
Logge, J. Amsterdam. 1680.
Logie, Robert. Edinburgh. 1784-1827. The business was sold in 1827 to Andrew Millar.
Long, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1677.
Long, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1698.
Long, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1653.
Longford, Ellis. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1672.
Longford, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1760-80
Longland, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1677.
Loomes, Thomas, “at The Mermayd in Lothbury.” 1649-74. An apprentice to John Selwood. Admitted a brother of Clockmakers’ Company.
Loon, William. Dordrecht. 1720.
Loon, T. Amsterdam. 1740.
Lope, London. 1750.
Lord, Richard. London. 1632.
Lotter, T. Augsburg. 1726.
Loundes, Jonathan. London. 1680-1700 Maker of long-case clocks.
Lovell, Paul. London. 1632.
Lovett, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1702.
Lowndes, Isaac. London Clockmakers’ Company 1680- 90. Admitted to Clockmakers’ Company 1682. A clock-maker with shop in Pall Mall.
Lucas, Edward. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1727.
Lucas, Henry. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1731.
Lucas, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1669.
Lucie, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1663.
Ludlow, P. Yarmouth. 1740.
Ludlow, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Ludlow, Yarmouth. 1802. Maker of tall clock in oak case.
Lumpkin, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1694.
Lunod, . London. 1750.
Lushbrook, London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1701.
Luttman, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1720.
Luzelkircher, J. Krieghaven.1770.
Lynaker, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1631-50. One of the first assistants.
Lynch,. Newbury. Long-case clocks, about 1800. Lynch, Robert. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1670.
Lyne, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1703.
Lynnaker, Samuel. London. 1630. Clockmakers’ Company. Charter member. One of the assistants.
Lyons, Richard. London Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1679, 80. Master1683.
Lyppyus, N. Basle. 1590.