Clock Makers: R
R. English & European Clock Makers
Rabby a Paris. 1745.
Racine, Charles F. Chaux-de-Fonds. 1810-32.
Radcliffe Liverpool.1750
Radford, Henry. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1721.
Radiord, Henry. London. 1721.
Rael, Amsterdam. 1765.
Raiment, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1719.
Raines, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1660.
Raingo, Paris. 1790. Maker of fine astronomical clocks.
Rainhold, A. Poesneck. 1687.
Rainier, Daniel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1806. Angel Court, Throgmorton Street.
Rainier, John. London.Clockmakers’ Company. 1787-1811. Hackney.
Rainsford, Francis. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1689.
Ramsay, David. London. 1612, died 1650. First Master of Clockmakers’ Company, Clockmaker to King James I., and a great clock maker. He was groom of the bedchamber to the Prince and in 1613 had a pension of £200 a year. In the same year £50 more was granted him. In 1616 £234 was given him for care and repair of the King’s clocks, and he was styled “Clockmaker Extraordinary.” In November, 1618, he was appointed “Chief Clockmaker,” and for many years his fees and emolu-ments were large. He continued his office under Charles I., and he died shortly after 1650. Sir Walter Scott, in “The Fortunes of Nigel,” calls him “Memory Monitor, Watchmaker and Constructor of Horologes to His Most Sacred Majesty James I.” He frequently inscribed his watches, “David Ramsay Scotus me fecit.”
Ramsay, Patrick. Dundee. 1604-46. A relative of David Ramsay, the famous English clockmaker to James I.
Ramsden, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1648.
Ranceford, Barnard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1677.
Rankin, London. 1775.
Rant, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1687.
Rant, Jonathan. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1687.
Ranzonet, Nancy. 1770.
Rauhenecker, M. Augsburg. 1738.
Raurworth, S. Plymouth. 1750.
Rawlins, Henry. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Rawlins, James. London Clockmakers’ Company. 1792. Penton Place, Pentonville. In 1833 went to Liverpool.
Rawlings, Charles. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1826. Holborn.
Ray, Daniel. Sudbury. 1770.
Rayner, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1697.
Rayner, Stephen. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1691.
Raynesford, Benjamin. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1709.
Read, Thomas. London. 1632.
Reading, P. London. 1740.
Rebellier, M. Paris. 1827-39. Maker of rock crystal watches.
Reed, Alexander. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Reed, George J. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1820. Rosoman Street.
Reeve, Henry. London Clockmakers’ Company. 1682.
Reeve, Jarvis. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1731.
Reeve, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1712.
Reeve, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1648-55-
Regaud, Remond. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1677.
Rehle, John. Freiburg. 1690.Maker of table clocks.
Reich, Lorenz. Augsburg. 1741.
Reicheneder, L. Burghausen. 1750.
Reichenmann, Leonhard. Friedburg. 1795.
Reid, Thomas. Edinburgh. 1766-1830. One of the most eminent of Scottish makers. He studied his trade in London, staying there from 1770 to 1781. He returned to Edinburgh, took out his freedom, and opened business in Parliament Close. William Auld became his partner in 1806, and they retired and sold out in 1823.
Reid, Thomas, & Son. Newcastle. 1750.
Reinhold, John. Augsburg. 1584.
Reith, James. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1705.
Reitmeyer, J. A. Augsburg.1794
Rensman, Gerrit. 1720.
Rentzsch, Sigismund. London. 1813-23.
Renzsea, Constanz. 1750-75
Resler, Nicolaus in Prag. Maker of a. gilt bronze and silver table clock with chimes.
Revel, Paris. 1760. Maker of fine mantel clock with ormolu mounts.
Rewalling, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1715.
Rey, Isaac, & J. Japs. England. About 1750. Makers of a gold watch with elaborately enamelled case.
Reynolds, John. Hagbourn.1733- A blacksmith but a maker of church clocks.
Reynolds, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1786.
Reynolds, Joseph. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1691.
Reynolds, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1705.
Reynolds, Thomas. “St.Martin’s le Grand.” 1736-80.
Richard, Peter. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1679.
Richards, Henry. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1699.
Richards, Hugh. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1709.
Richards, Hugh. London. Clockmakers Company. Warden 1733, 34. Master 1735
Richards, J. London. 1780.
Richards, Luke. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1648.
Richardson, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1785, 86, 87. Master 1788
Richardson, James Luton. Bedfordshire. 1786. Clock-makers’ Company.
Richardson, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1810.Hoxton Town.
Richardson, Richard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1675.
Ricord, Richard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1649.
Riddlesdon, Samuel. London. 1810. Citizen and Joiner. Admitted to Clockmakers’ Company.
“Rider of Pool.” About 1760. Maker of a fine clock in Chippendale case, which fetched £483 at Christie’s,
July, 1909.
Ridgdale, N. About 1625-50. Maker of an oval finely chased silver watch
Ridley, Josiah. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1685.
Riebold, J. Regensburg. 1727-50.
Riedl, Vienna. 1680-1700.
Rigby, Joshua. London. 1781.
Rimbauet, Paul. London. 1781.
Ring, Joseph. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1693.
Ringmadder, Dublin. 1792.
Rippon, Richard. London. 1810.
Ritchie, James. Edinburgh. 1819-36. One of the best known of Scottish makers. In 1836 the firms name became James Ritchie & Son.
Rivers, David. London. 1786. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1770, 71, 72. Master 1773. Put on livery 1766.
Rivers, William. London. 1770-94. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1791, 92, 93. Master 1794.
Robb, William. Montrose, Scotland. 1776. Maker of handsome tall-case clock at Pennsylvania Historical Society.
Roberts, Hugh. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1664.
Roberts, John. London. 1776. Son of Samuel. Freeman of the Clockmakers’ Company 1776.
Roberts, Samuel. London. 1718. “Citizen and Gold and Silver Wyre Drawer.”
Robertson, David. Edinburgh. 1741. A common name among Scottish makers in Edinburgh, Dundee, and Glasgow for one hundred years.
Robin, France. Born 1742, died 1799. Horloger du Roi 1791 Clockmaker to Louis XV. and made many fine clocks in cases with ormolu mounts.
Robinet, Charles. Paris. 1640.
Robins, William. London. 1796. Clockmakers’ Company.Warden 1802, 03, 04. Master 1805.
Robins, William, 2. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1813. Master 1813, 1814.
Robinson, ‘Francis. London.Clockmakers’ Company. 1707-26. “Sergt. to his Royal Highness.” Freeman 1707. Assistant 1717. Warden 1722, 23, 24. Master 1725. One of Henry Jones’s apprentices.
Robinson, James. London. 1730-70. Maker of long-case clocks.
Robinson, Robert. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1652.
Robinson, Ruhamer. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1713.
Robinson, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1703.
Robinson, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1720. Apprenticed to Daniel Delander.
Robinson, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1667.
Robson, William. London. 1796. Warden 1806, 07, 08,15.Master 1809, 16, 18. Elected Master three times and received vote of thanks of Clockmakers’ Company.
Robson, William, 2. London. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1821, 22.
Roches, Freres de, a Geneve. Late eighteenth century. Watchmakers.
Rodet,. London. 1650.
Rodon, De. Paris. 1800. Maker of copper-gilt case watch.
Rogers, Isaac. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1750-90.
Rogers, Isaac. London. Clock-makers’ Company 1776. Born 1754, died 1839. Warden 1810, 11, 12, 23. Master 1824. He succeeded to the business of his father 1776, as watchmaker and Levant merchant. He had many wide interests and did much to further the interests of the Company.
Rogers, John. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1731.
Rogers, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1811. Field Lane, Holborn.
Rogers, William. London* 1662. Beadle of Clockmakers’ Company.
Rogers, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1641.
Rogerson, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company.Warden 1771, 72, 73. Master 1774. Put on livery 1766.
Rollet, George. Augsburg. 1584.
Rollin, Paris. Eighteenth century. Maker of fine enamel watches.
Romer, Flack. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1661.
De Romeux, Lewis. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1706.
Romieu, Paul. Edinburgh. 1677-94. A very famous clock and watch maker, one of the earliest competent watchmakers of Edinburgh. There is a “pendulum” watch by him belonging to the Clockmaker’s Company of London.
Romieu, Paul, Jr. Edinburgh. 1692-1710. Maker of long-case clocks. One of these, in
elaborate case of coloured marquetry.
Romney, Joseph. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1664.
Ronnizen, Adam. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1687.
Roof, Daniel. London. Clock-makers’ Company. 1676.
Rooke, John. London. 1781.
Rooker, Richard. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1728.
Rooks, Barlow. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1665.
Rookesby, Robert. London. 1680.
Rose, Joseph. London. 1765.
Rose, Joseph, & Son. London. 1765-68. 19 Foster Lane. Maker of a long-case clock in a mahogany case, lower part kettle-shaped.
Rose, Joseph, Son & Payne. London. 1781.
Rose, Michael. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1676.
Rose, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1786. Coldbathfields.
Rosentretter, P. Nuremberg. 1566-80.
Rosfar Vienna. 1750.
Roskell, Robert. Liverpool. 1800-30. His watches were on sale in New York
by Fellows, Read & Olcott, 17 Maiden Lane, in 1829.
Rosse, Samuel. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1672.
Rosselet, Paris. 1800.
Roth, F. A. Augsburg. 1759.
Rotherham, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1662.
Rotherham & Sons. Coventry. 1850.
Rothwood, Robert. London. 1630. Clockmaker.
Rotherwood, Robert. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1648.
Rotterodd, Benjamin. 1600-25.
Rotti, G. L. Augsburg. 1755-75
Rotti, G. Jr. 1788-1800.
Rotti, Caspar. Augsburg.1788
Rotti, G. I. Augsburg. 1791
Roumieu, Adam. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1695. A member of the celebrated family of which Paul Roumieu was the most famous.
Roumieu, Adam. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1726.
Roumieu, John. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1720:
Roumieu, Paul. See Romieu.
Roumayen, James. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1692.
Rousseau, Jean. 1640. A round silver watch engraved with figures of the seasons and flowers.
Rowe, Benjamin. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1708.
Rowe, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1699.
Rowland, John. Berwick. Born 1758, died 1836.
Rowland, William. Berwick. Born 1799, died 1858.
Rowlands, William. London. 1815. Clockmakers’ Company. Warden 1856, 57, 58, 59. Master 1860. Presented to the Company several pieces of silver in 1861.
Roy, David. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1682.
Roy, Peter. Paris. Died 1785. Author of the “Memoirs of the Clockmakers of Paris.”
“Roy a Paris.” About 1760. Gilt bronze and enamel clock with white marble base.
Royce, London. 1750.
Roycroft, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1600
Rudkin, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1683.
Ruel, S. Rotterdam. 1705.
Ruffel, Charles. London. 1804.
Ruffel, Thomas. London. 1804.
Rugendas, Nicholas. Augsburg. 1600.
Rummel, J. Oberhausen. 1770.
Rumpelsberger, George J. Wurzburg. 1794.
Rundell, Philip. London. 1768. Made very beautiful watches; one of them had an enamel case by Voyez, the potter, enameller and ivory carver.
Russell, John. Falkirk. 1797-1818. A famous Scottish maker of chiming clocks.
Russell, Nicasius. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1663. Apprenticed 1653. Warden 1688,89, 90. Master 1692. In 1701 his son brought £10 to be distributed to the poor of the Company in memory of his father, who had died the previous year.
Russell, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1776.
Ryder, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1698.
Ryder, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1712.
Ryland, James. “Ormskirk.” Eighteenth century.
Ryland, Joshua. “Ormskirk.” Eighteenth century.
Ryler, William. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1712.
Ryley, Thomas. London. Clockmakers’ Company. 1704.