Category Archives: Articles

Where Are The Scottish Clockmakers

The making of clocks in Scotland was not recognized as a separate craft until about1640. In Aberdeen in 1618 there were but three clocks, “the Kirk Knok, Tolbooth Knok, and the College Knok, all out of repair because they are auld and worne and partlie for want of skilful men to attend them.” An eight day painted dial…

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How To Value Your Antique Clocks

Antique Longcase clocks like antique artwork or other collectable items are so individual in nature that it is almost impossible to make a fixed valuation on them. Unlike motor vehicles there is no standard value list guide, antique clocks hopefully go up in value, whereas motorcars depreciate the moment you drive them off the sales…

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7 Steps To Take Before Moving Your Grandfather Clock

7 Steps To Take Before Moving Your Grandfather Clock Some time or other you will have to move your longcase clock whether it’s in the process of moving house or just time to clean behind the case and move it for decorating A lot of damage can be done by just picking the clock up…

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